Victory Mission of the Americas (C) is a non-denominational, non-profit faith mission. The organization was started in 1963 and incorporated in the State of Texas, USA. Tax exempt status was granted in Canada in 1988. The objective is to direct, support, and assist in missions activities in the Americas, thus carrying out the commission of Jesus Christ to “take the Gospel to every creature.”
Our activities include:
- Christian Education
- Child evangelism
- Church Planting
- Home Bible Studies
- Individual discipling
- P.I. alumni contacts
- Retreats and Bible Seminars
- Team visits to the mission – Outreach & Projects
- Victory School operation
Those involved with Victory Mission of the Americas (C) are:
- A Board of Directors in Canada, another in the USA, and a third in Colombia, comprised of individuals who freely give their time and efforts to conduct the business of the Mission
- Missionaries and candidates who are in training
- National pastors and workers
- A Certified General Accountant who maintains the books and sends tax deductible receipts
- P.I. Alumni Association (From 1964 to 1986 VMA operated an orphanage for abandoned Colombian children called Paraiso Infantil… Infant Paradise).
- Volunteer workers in Colombia, USA, and Canada
- YOU – the prayer partners and supporters of this work
The mission is a faith mission – entirely dependent upon God for provision of the necessary funds and equipment. Needs are prayerfully brought before the Lord, who supplies them through the free-will gifts of His people.
All gifts are tax-deductible, and when designated for specific purposes are allocated according to the request. Unspecified funds are placed in the General Fund and are used where the need is the greatest. There is no borrowing of funds nor are debts incurred by this faith mission.
If you are interested in offering financial support to our mission, please click here to learn about the ways that you can partner with us in spreading the Gospel of Christ.